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Home / Hotels/Resorts / Santa Teresa di Gallura
Santa Teresa di Gallura

A port in northern Sardinia, which bears beautiful «feminine» name is located near strait of Bonifacio, where meet the waters of Mediterranean Sea (on the West) and Tyrrhenian sea (on the East). Intensive sea currents and strong winds make the strait an ideal venue for fantastically beautiful regattas, that’s why every year near the shore of Santa Teresa di Gallura are organized spectacular contests of snow-white beautiful yachts. The route of regatta itself runs from Italian shores through Sardinia to famous Corsica. The resort would have not appeared, if ambitious duke of Savoy Victor Emmanuel I had not been desired in 1808  to immortalize the name of his beloved spouse Maria-Theresa, naming the resort area after her. Today an unusual statue of saint Theresa, made in futuristic style is regarded as the town’s landmark.

Basic facts

PROVINCE OF Olbia-Tempio
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION North coast of Sardinia, 61 km to Olbia, 31 km to La Maddalena, 53 km to Porto Cervo, 63 km to Porto Rotondo

Public holidays and popular events

  • January

    Underwater carnival on Rena Bianca beach

  • April

    Festival Archeosettimane, from where you can leave to a free voyage to Capo Testa and Lu Brandali

  • May 17

    Touristic festival San-Pascuale

  • June

    Holiday Festa del Volonariato, where street tasting of food and cheerful entertainments are offered

  • First week of July

    Holiday in Porto Pozzo

  • August 12

    Day of foundation of the resort

  • Mid-October

    Festivities in honor of patrons of the city st.Isidore and st.Teresa

  • Market day


  • Shopping streets

    Square del Molo, Nationale street



  • Rena Bianca
  • Rena Di Ponente
Location Map