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Home / Hotels/Resorts / Domus De Maria
Domus De Maria

Domus De Maria is one of the most popular vacation places in south-western part of the island. 80% of its hilly terrain are covered with succulent trees and bushes, downs are overgrown with juniper and seem to have walked off the pages of ancient legends, snow white sand and the sea so bright blue that it seems transparent – the beauties created by nature compete in charm with chic restaurants and hotels of the area.

Domus De Maria is famous for a few architectural monuments, in particular for Saint Spirit cathedral, erected in 500, and tower Torre Chia of XVII century. It is built on the hill nearly adjoined the water edge and looks just spectacular in nocturnal time lit by artificial light.

Domus De Maria is appreciated by those who enjoy active lifestyle because of its special climate, winds of remarkable intensity and lukewarm water, what factors attract wind surfers, kite surfers and amateurs of sailing.

Basic facts

GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION South-western part of Sardinia, 58 km to Cagliari, 35,8 km to Porto Pino, 22 km to Pula

Public holidays and popular events

  • July

    Fishermen festival

  • Each week of August

    Festival of figs, in which local orchards are very rich; Holiday of bore

  • First week of October

    A holiday in honor of Madonna del Rosario, saint patroness of the resort



  • Campana
  • Su Giudeu
  • Monte Cogoni
  • Cala Cipolla
Location Map